Boróka Andl-Beck

Irish Embassy Bursary Winner

Boróka Andl-Beck

Our PhD student, Boróka Andl-Beck is one of this year's winner of the Irish Embassy Bursary Award. Her research topic is the 'othering' of the Irish Traveller community in Bram Stoker's Dracula. This year, the award celebrates its 10th anniversary and five of our students have won it in the past. Other four winners: Dorottya Jászay (Beckett); Dóra Dóka (Edna O'Brien); Fanni Fekete-Nagy (Irish language poetry); József  Pap (Northern Irish poetry).

Please find report of the event at the Irish Embassy website.

Embassador Ragnar Almqvist, Boglárka Dobos, Boróka Andl-Beck
(photo: Embassy of Ireland, Budapest, Hungary)