Academic staff
Dr. Annamária Fábián
senior lecturer
I was born in Budapest in 1979; I graduated from the Hungarian-English department of Eötvös Loránd University. After graduating, I obtained a PhD degree from the doctoral program of Renaissance and Baroque English Literature at the Doctoral School of Literary Studies of ELTE.
I am most interested in drama adaptations(mainly rewritings of Shakespeare’s plays), I devoted my dissertation to this field of studies (title of dissertation: The Pattern of All Patience - Adaptations of Shakespeare’s King Lear from Nahum Tate to Howard Barker; supervisor: Géza Kállay).
I have been teaching and researching at ELTE since September 2018.
I find adaptation research to be a very productive field. Besides stage and film adaptations I am mainly interested in drama rewritings with an author and a canonical position of their own, and the consequent development of the Shakespeare reception and canon with the cultural-historical mechanisms that may underlie these adaptations.
The dramatic rewritings of King Lear and Macbeth are now in the focus of my research and I’m most interested in prequel and sequel texts, which prove to be very exciting and particularly accessible for students as well, due to the pop cultural significance of the genre. Adaptations of this kind seem to be especially motivating in the understanding of Shakespeare texts, which are sometimes more difficult to process for students.
I am also interested in the teaching methodology of Shakespeare’s texts (both for secondary-school and BA-MA university students), and the study of adaptations and rewritings proves to be quite fruitful in this area as well.
Selected publications:
- Lady Macbeth is Alive -- Source-texts and origins [In Hungarian] (2021; Liget: irodalmi és ökológiai folyóirat)
- Will Shaky: Shakespeare in the comic sketches of the BBC [In Hungarian] (2019; BÁRKA: IRODALMI MŰVÉSZETI ÉS TÁRSADALOMTUDOMÁNYI FOLYÓIRAT)
- The Art of Avoidance: Avoidance as a Means of (Re)creation in a Prequel Adaptation of Shakespeare's King Lear. (2013; JOURNAL OF ADAPTATION IN FILM & PERFORMANCE)
- Silencing the World and Wording the Unspoken : Changing Interactions of Utterance and Silence in Two Adaptations of Shakespeare's King Lear.(2013; in: Márta Pellérdi, Gabriella Reuss (szerk.): Reverberations of Silence : Silenced Texts, Sub-Texts and Authors in Literature, Language and Translation)
- The Unfinished Business: The Avoidance of King Lear by the prequel Lear’s Daughters (2010; TRANS: REVUE DE LITTÉRATURE GÉNÉRALE ET COMPARÉE)
‘According to my Bond:’ Redefinition of the Bonds in the Adaptations of Shakespeare’s King Lear (2008; In:Pavel Drábek; Klára Kolinská; Matthew Nicholls (szerk.): Shakespeare and His Collaborators over the Centuries)
Selected conferences
- Association of Adaptation Studies Annual Conference: Adaptation and Modernisms: Establishing and Dismantling Borders in Adaptation Practice and Theory, 2019, Brno;
- The Tenth Annual Association of Adaptation Studies Conference: Adaptations and the Metropolis; 2015, London
- Shakespeare and European Romanticism: International Workshop, 2019, Budapest
- Arts and the City International Conference, 2019, Budapest
- Jágónak Conference Series -- Who is Heading Where in Hungarian Shakespeare-research; 2007-2019; Szeged;
- Association of Adaptation Studies Annual Conference: "Rewriting, Remixing, and Reloading" 2010, Berlin
- Shakespeare Reloaded: Adaptation and Rewriting
- Side-characters in Focal Position: Rewritings of Shakespeare
- Race, Gender, Religion and Nationality in Shakespeare's Plays
- Early-modern English Love Poetry
- The Essential Philip Sidney
- Shakespearean Villains and Antiheroes
- Early modern poetry and drama
- Early modern English culture
- Shakespeare
- Adaptations of Shakespeare
- 20th-century drama
- Adaptation theory