Academic staff
Dr. Dóra Janczer
senior lecturer
I graduated from ELTE in 1989 (MA degrees in English language and literature and History). In 1989 I was awarded a three-year scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Arts and Sciences to pursue post-graduate studies (research topic: William Blake’s prophetic books. PhD in 1999, supervisor: Professor Ágnes Péter). I have been a full-time lecturer at the English Department since 1992. My courses are mainly on 18th-century literature and culture. I am a founding member of the Equal Opportunities Committee of the faculty.
My research addresses the intersections of art and literature and issues of gender in the visual and material culture of the 18th century. My interests centre around the reception of the opera seria in Britain and the cultural assumptions concerning the castrato singers, as well as the various attitudes to rape in literature, music and painting. My projects explore the rationalization of violence, and its impact on the victims.
Selected publications:
- "Four Mighty Ones Are in Every Man: The Development of the Fourfold in Blake." Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2003.
- "Blake és Szondi." In: Péter, Ágnes; Gárdos, Bálint (eds.) Forradalom és retorika: tanulmányok az angol romantikáról Budapest: Ninewells Alapítvány, L'Harmattan Kiadó, 2008, 219-233.
- "'Or wert thou not awake when all this mystery was disclos'd': Responsibility in Blake's Visions." In: Ruttkay, Veronika; Gárdos, Bálint; Timár, Andrea (eds.) Ritka művészet: írások Péter Ágnes tiszteletére [Rare device: writings in honour of Ágnes Péter] Budapest: ELTE BTK Angol-Amerikai Intézet, Anglisztika Tanszék, 2011, 41-52.
- "Az itáliai opera és a Farinelli-jelenség." In: Párbeszédben Ruttkay Kálmánnal : egy rejtőzködő életmű újraolvasása. Dávidházi, Péter; Komáromy, Zsolt (eds.) Budapest: Reciti, 2015, 147-170.
- "Zenés drámai műfajok." In: Komáromy-Gárdos-Péti (eds.), Az angol irodalom története 1640-1830. Első-Második rész. Budapest: Kijárat, 2021.
- "Az irodalom és más művészetek." In: Komáromy-Gárdos-Péti (eds.), Az angol irodalom története 1640-1830. Első-Második rész. Budapest: Kijárat, 2021.
Selected conferences
- "Eighteenth-century Female Subjectivity-in-Progress." The European Society for the Study of English Biennial Conference, Kosice, 2014.
- "Eighteenth-century Rape Scripts". British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Annual Conference Oxford, 2015.
- "The Bad Taste of the Town." Arts and the City, Budapest, Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem, 2019.
- "In the Canaries / there is a famous theatre established." Theatralia Annual Conference, Brno, 2020.
- "Metastasio's L'impresario: a Case Study." BSECS, Oxford, 2021.
- William Blake’s Composite Art
- Circumscribed Women in Literature
- Parallels and Interactions in Literature and the Sister Arts
- The poetry of William Shakespeare
- The Cultural History of 16-18th-c. Music
- William Blake’s composite art
- 18th-century music, literature and painting
- 18th-century women’s magazines
- The reception of the Italian opera in London
- William Shakespeare’s poems
- Literature and music
- Tropes of violence and aggression in literature
- Literature and sister arts in the Restoration
- Gender issues in literature