Academic staff

Dr. habil. Miklós Lojkó

associate professor

Dr. habil. Miklós Lojkó


  • MA in English and History; B.Ed., Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 1982-87.
  • Visiting student, Merton College, University of Oxford, 1988-89.
  • Assistant lecturer at the Department English Language and Literature 1989.
  • Visiting Research Fellow, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London, 1990-1992.
  • M.Phil. in International Relations: Clare Hall, University of Cambridge, 1995-96.
  • Ph.D. in History: Pembroke College, University of Cambridge, 1998-2001.
  • Habilitation (in the Historical Sciences): Eötvös Loránd University, June 2011.
  • Promoted Associate Professor at the School of English and American Studies, March 2013.
  • Taught summer course of ten lectures on interwar European History at the Department of History of Capital Normal University of Beijing, July 2013.
  • Visiting Associate Professor, Department of History, Central European University, Budapest, 2005-2014; Fall Term 2019.
  • Contributing Editor of The Encyclopedia of Diplomacy (Wiley-Blackwell), 2014-2018.


  • The modern history and historiography of the United Kingdom, Ireland and the United States.
  • East-West diplomacy in Europe in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
  • Technology and society in Europe, 1890s to 1968: the history of photographic and cinematographic techniques; the impact of radio and cinema on society;
  • The political, social, economic and cultural history of Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe 1900-1968.
  • The history of China and its interactions with other powers from 1911 to 1949.
  • The theory, aesthetics and sociology of film.

Selected publications:

  • "'Curs Yapping Round the Dying Stag', or the rituals of fractured societies: Hungary and Poland in the vortex of the Munich Crisis of 1938." The Munich Crisis, Politics and the People: International, transnational and comparative perspectives. Ed. Julie Gottlieb, Daniel Hucker and Richard Toye. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2021. 66-89.
  • "Uncertain Beginnings in Danubian Central Europe: Embedding the new states system in Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland, 1919-1927." Vom Nachkrieg Zum Vorkrieg: Die Pariser Friedensverträge und die internationale Ordnung der Zwischenkriegszeit. Ed. Ulrich Schlie, Miklos Lojko and Thomas Weber. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, (Andrássy Studien zur Europaforschung; 26) 2020. 59-76.
  • "Railways and Diplomats: The Failure of the League of Nations to Settle the Manchurian Crisis, 1931-1933." Az emberi sors és a történelem kereszteződésében: Tanulmánykötet Frank Tibor 70. születésnapjára - At the Crossroads of Human Fate and History: Studies in Honour of Tibor Frank on his 70th Birthday. Ed. Nóra Deák, János Kenyeres, Miklós Lojkó, Tamás Magyarics and Éva Eszter Szabó, 2nd ed. Budapest: ELTE BTK Angol-Amerikai Intézet, 2019. 349-366.
  • "The Age of Illusion? The Department of Overseas Trade Between the Two World Wars: Three Case Studies." The Foreign Office, Commerce and British Policy in the Twentieth Century. Ed. John Fisher, Effie G H Pedaliu and Richard Smith. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. 115-140.
  • Meddling in Middle Europe: Britain and the 'Lands Between', 1919-1925. Budapest, New York (NY): Central European University Press, 2006.

Selected conferences

  • "Profoundly Engaged in the Public Purpose: Family Portrait (1950) by Humphrey Jennings." Reel Eye Film Festival & Workshop, ELTE BTK School of English and American Studies, Budapest, Hungary, 2020.
  • "In the Shadow of Dictators: Sir Laurence Collier, Eminent Diplomat in the Huxley Family." Excellence in Arts and Sciences: The Huxley Family, MTA-ELTE, Budapest, Hungary, 2019.
  • "Disorderly Peace in Danubian Central Europe: Embedding the new states system in Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland, 1919- 1927." Peace making after the First World War, 1919-1923. London School of Economics, London, UK, 2019.
  • "The Promise of Peace in Central Europe after the First World War: Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland, 1918-1926." 1918 and the Remaking of Central-Eastern Europe, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, 2018.
  • "Dictatorships and Crises in Four Corners of the World: Britain and the retreat from free trade, 1919-1941." British International History Group, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, 2015.


  • The British and American Political Systems
  • The History of Great Britain and Ireland (medieval and modern)
  • Past and Present Trends in British Historiography
  • British Political Culture in the World: postcolonial narratives from the history of the British Empire
  • Theory of Film



  • All periods and aspects of British, Irish and North American history with emphasis on the 20th century
  • British colonial history
  • Film studies
  • The theatre of the absurd


  • Historiography
  • Constitutional history and theory
  • Postcolonial studies
  • British-Central European political and cultural relations, interactions
  • Film theory
  • Intersections between literature, the visual arts and history

Further information