Modern English and American Literature and Culture

Modern English and American Literature and Culture Doctoral Program

Head of the Program: Dr. Andrea Timár

The Modern English and American Literature and Culture Doctoral Programme focuses on the study of English, American and other English-language literatures and cultures from the 18th century to the present. 

The programme is taught by faculty members in the Department of English Studies at the Institute of English-American Studies. We are particularly interested in British Romanticism, Modernism, Postmodernism, and/or contemporary English, Irish, Scottish, American and Canadian literature and culture. In these fields, the programme is considered one of the most important centres in the country. 

The programme places a strong emphasis on the discussion of the dissertations in progress. We organise doctoral research conferences and workshops, and the final PhD defence is preceded by a departmental debate with two advising referees.  

Doctoral students can both join and form research groups under the guidance of a faculty member. Over the past decades, these research groups have had various area of focus, such as the study of Romanticism, cultural memory, narratives of culture and identity, popular culture, or the question of the "human" (posthumanism, dehumanisation).  

The programme often invites guest lecturers from abroad, and offers students the opportunity to contribute to conference proceedings, or special journal issues (e.g. HJEAS, Helikon, Filológiai Közlöny). The AnaChronisT, a peer-reviewed English-language yearbook published by the Department of English Studies, is specifically aimed at PhD students. 

In the two and a half decades since its foundation, the MODA Programme has awarded more than 50 PhD degrees. Many of the successfully defended dissertations have been published by prestigious publishers, in Hungary, in England or in the US. 

Academic staff on the programme

Zsolt, Czigányik, Ph.D., Habil. Associate Professor.

Péter Dávidházi, Professor Emeritus, Member of HAS

Ákos Farkas, Ph.D., Habil. Associate Professor

Bálint Gárdos, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer

János Kenyeres, C.Sc., Habil. Associate Professor

Zsolt Komáromy, Ph.D., Habil. Associate Professor

Iván Nyusztay, PhD, Habil. Senior Lecturer

Éva Péteri, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer

Natália Pikli, Ph.D., Habil. Associate Professor

Eglantina Remport, Ph.D, Senior Lecturer

Katalin Szlukovényi, PhD, Senior Lecturer

Andrea Timár, Ph.D., Habil. Associate Professor

Students of the programme

Boróka Andl-Beck (supervisor: Dr. Andrea Timár): ‘fellow-feeling’ and narrative attitudes towards itinerancy in British literature 1700-1900

Jeffrey Baus (supervisors: Dr. Vera Benczik, Dr. Károly Pintér): Thoreauvian Virtue Ethics in the Works of Clifford Simak

Hadeel Endewy (supervisor: Dr. Iván Nyusztay): corporeal existence in Caryl Churchill, Sarah Kane and Harold Pinter

Fanni Fekete-Nagy (supervisor: Dr. Eglantina Remport): Biblical allusions in Contemporary Irish Women’s Poetry

Brigitta Gyimesi (supervisors: Dr. Zsolt Czigányik and Dr. Éva Antal): the ambivalent relationship between fiction and reality in English-language texts from the 20th century

Afaf Hamada

Cyntia Kálmánová (superviors: Dr. János Kenyeres, Dr. Andrea Puskás): the representation of female identity in selected Dark Academia novels and the feminist perspective in the male-dominated society of academic fiction

Ádám Márton Kling (supervisor: Dr. Natália Pikli): adaptations of Shakespeare and early modern popular culture in contemporary comic books

Lajos Mátyás (supervisors: Dr. Zsolt Komáromy, Dr. Éva Antal): William Blake’s subversive reinterpretation of the classical epic tradition

Franciska Linszky: I'm an English teacher, a photographer and a first year PhD student. In my research my two main fields of interest overlap, I explore the relationship of literature and the “divine art of photography” through the lens of Julia Margaret Cameron

Lilian Rácz (supervisor: Dr. Eglantina Remport): Marcel Proust’s influence on the prose poetics of Modernist British and Irish women writers

Dóra Sápi (supervisor: Dr. Andrea Timár): the concept of the human and dehumanization, focussing on the relation of corporeal vulnerability, relationality, and the hand to humanness in the works of J. M. Coetzee

Petra Szegedi-Hack (supervisor: Dr. Éva Péteri és Dr. Zsolt Komáromy): coming of age, family relations and motherlessness in the novels of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century women writers

Réka Székely

Yuliia Terentieva (supervisor: Dr. Ákos Farkas)

Éva Vancsó (supervisor: Dr. Vera Benczik): The representation of women in popular science fiction television, mainly in the utopian universe of Star Trek, with special focus on the forms of female monstrosity

Bence Visky (supervisor: Dr. Katalin Szlukovényi): the aesthetics of healing in four contemporary American poets, Glück, Jorie, Siken, and Vuong