

Department of English Studies

Before you reach out to us, please note that the Department of English Studies participates in programmes and hosts courses on British literature and history in particular. Concerning any other field taught in the English language at ELTE, please be so kind as to find and contact the relevant faculty/department.

Karola Kónya Senior Department Officer

phone: 485 5200 / 4451

1088 Budapest, Rákóczi út 5.

Other contact:

Barbara Pálvölgyi Senior Institute Officer:

Zsuzsanna Kutasi Head Librarian:

Students' UnionWebFacebookEmail 

Department of International Affairs


HELP is the Hungarian acronym for Hallgatói eredményességet elősegítő program – or Programme Aimed at Promoting Student Effectiveness. This is a new scheme designed to help you achieve academic goals during your studies by providing information and a supportive learning environment.

The Counselling Centre at the Faculty of Education and Psychology provides free individual counselling to all ELTE students both in Hungarian and English.