Research groups

Research groups

ELTE CEMS – Centre for Early Modern Studies Research Group

ELTE CEMS includes young and established scholars as well as doctoral students focusing mainly on early modern English culture, literature, history, and iconography. Besides philological and archival work, the research group aims to examine various theoretical aspects of the above mentioned fields, and conduct research in an interdisciplinary manner, with special regard to networks and interrelations between various cultural layers, nations, and media. The research interests of the group are varied and encompass numerous different phenomena, which are studied with relevance to the members’ specific fields. The main purpose of the group is to initiate a dialogue between not only the members but also the scientific fields represented. 

Leaders of Research Group: Dr. habil Natália Pikli and Dr. habil. Andrea Velich

The schedule for spring 2024 is available here.

EASPop – English and American Studies Pop Culture Research Group

EASPop is engaged in the scientific processing of popular culture in English and Hungarian, and has been working in this capacity since autumn 2017. The aim of the research group is to examine the theoretical aspects of popular culture and its different forms of presentation in an interdisciplinary approach. The research focuses partly on historical and partly on synchronous phenomena, according to the interests of the members of the research team.
The research team includes postgraduate students, doctoral students and established researchers. Team organizes conferences, guest lecturers and has edited a collection of essays.

Leaders of Research Group: Dr. Vera Beczik, Dr. habil Natália Pikli, and Dr. Lili Zách

Official webpage:

Facebook page:

Judit Anna Bánházi, Zsolt Beke, Vera Benczik, Eszter Zsuzsanna Csorba,  Ádám Márton Kling, Györgyi Kovács, Natália Pikli, Eszter Johanna Székelyhidi, Orsolya Szujer,  Éva Vancsó(eds.): Encounters of the Popular Kind: Traditions and Mythologies / Populáris típusú találkozások: Hagyományok és mitológiák. Budapest: ELTE, 2021.


The study of popular culture has gained momentum in Hungarian academic circles in the 21st century. The present volume showcases 27 studies, which all prove one point: studying phenomena of popular culture is inspiring in many areas of life, and in numerous scientific disciplines, from literature and linguistics to visual, music and ecocritical studies, pedagogy and narrative criminology.


The volume is available on ELTE Reader.

Prior Research Groups

Literature and the Bible Research Group (2019)

Founding members: Fanni Fekete-Nagy, Gyöngyi Matus-Kassai, Csaba Spalovszky

Mentor: Győző Ferencz

The Human Enigma MODA research group (T. H. E., 2017–2020)

Founding members: Andrea Timár, Zsolt Bojti, Zsuzsanna Czifra, Dorottya Jászay, Kristóf Kiss, Dániel Panka


  • Human Boundaries / Boundaries of the Human special issue, The Hungarian Journal of English Studies 2020/2. JSTOR
  • Dehumanizáció: az elkövető alakja az irodalomban, a filmben és a filozófiában, Helikon Irodalom és Kultúratudományi Szemle 2019/1. EPA OSZK


  • Dehumanizáció: az elkövető alakja az irodalomban, a filmben és a filozófiában, 7–8 February 2019. ELTE BTK

Doctoral Courses:

  • Posthumanisms
  • Questioning the Human
  • Dehumanization

Early Modern English Research Group (EMERG, 2015–2019)

Founding members: Géza Kállay, Bence Levente Bodó, Zsolt Bojti, Ágnes Bonácz


  • Shakespeare, Macbeth, Filozófia, 19–20 May 2016.
  • Disbelief: From the Renaissance to Romanticism, 25–27 May 2017.


  • Disbelief in Romanticism, The AnaChronisT special issue 2018/1. DOI
  • Disbelief in the Renaissance, The AnaChronisT special issue 2018/2. DOI
  • Macbeth: Újraolvasás és újraírás, Filológiai Közlöny special issue, 2018/3. MTAK

Narratives of Culture and Identity Research Group (2014–2019)

Founding members: Kata Gyuris, Eszter Szép

Mentor: Judit Friedrich

Website: Wordpress


  • Gendered Identities in Contemporary Literary and Visual Cultures, 5–6 June 2015.
  • Performativity in Contemporary Culture, 24–25 May 2019.
  • „Test-tér-képek” lecture series at Pesti Bölcsész Akadémia, 2017.


  • Fiatal filológusok bemutatkozás, Filológiai Közlöny 2016/3. MTAK
  • Turning the Page: Gendered Identities in Contemporary Literary and Visual Cultures. L'Harmattan, 2018. ELTE Reader

Cultural Theories of Addiction MODA Doctoral Research Group (2014–2016)

Founding members: Andrea Timár, Kata Gyuris, András Jásdi, Kristóf Kiss, Melinda Vásári


  • Az addikció kulturális és kritikai elméletei, Helikon Irodalom- és Kultúratudományi Szemle 2016/1. EPA OSZK

Doctoral Course:

  • Cultural Theories of Addiction / Kulturális addikció-elméletek